
We believe that every good gift and blessing we receive is from our loving and merciful God and we are humble stewards (managers) of those countless blessings. We trust in God to richly provide for us as we selflessly give our time, skills, and even money to the work of the united Body of Christ.

Your monetary gifts support the ongoing mission of Christ in the following ways:

  • The proclamation of the Word of God and the administration of the Sacraments by a called and ordained servant of Christ
  • Training and equipping disciples of Jesus through Bible studies and other topical lessons.
  • The ongoing care and maintenance of a designated meeting place where the Body of Christ gathers to hear the Word and receive the Sacraments
  • Works of mercy in the community such as the weekly food pantry, meals hosted at Trinity, handmade Quilts for those in need,
  • A host of various community gatherings that foster relationship development while learning a craft or skill
  • Support for the Ecclesial operations and other works of mercy at the State, National, and International level

Click Here To Give

We take an additional special offering each week at worship services. Each week of the month a ministry is benefited.

Sunday Special Offerings

1st Sunday 

Mite Box

2nd Sunday 

Benevolence Fund

3rd Sunday 

Missions Group

4th Sunday 

Food Pantry

5th Sunday

Building Improvement