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Worship & Bible Study

Service and Weekly Study Times


Sunday Worship

Every Sunday (with Communion) - 10:45 AM

Sunday Bible Study

Bible Study and Sunday School begin at 9:15 AM

Sunday Bible Study we are walking through the Augsburg Confession.

Friday Morning Bible Study

8:45-9:45 Reading through Martin Luther's Large Catechism. This document was written by Martin Luther and is found in the Lutheran Confessions.

What to Expect


We are a congregation of the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod. Organ or Piano accompanies all hymns and sung parts of the liturgy.

We use our hymnal, Lutheran Service Book, Divine Service Setting 3 and 4, for most weekly worship services. We incorporate other liturgical settings for special or occasional services.

Guests are asked to speak with Pastor Bozarth before the service if they wish to commune. While Christians can be found in many denominations, we commune those baptized, confirmed, and currently under the pastoral care of the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod.

People attend in both formal and casual wear, and the sound of children is pretty common (including Pastor’s children). Families with young children are encouraged to sit up front so that they can get a better view of what is happening. Of course, feel free to sit where your family is most comfortable. There is also a nursery room with toys and a changing table if needed.

Sunday School classes are available for 3-12 year olds, but they are also welcome to sit with you in the adult Bible study.